Principal's Update - Friday, May 12th 2023
Dear Shawsheen Students, Parents/Guardians, and Colleagues,
In honor of staff appreciation week at Shawsheen this week, please join me in thanking all members of the Shawsheen staff for the work they do to support Shawsheen students. The care, commitment, and dedication of these professionals is essential to the work we do to fulfill our mission. Additionally, a special thank you to the Shawsheen PAC for organizing the Appreciation Snack Bar for staff this week. Go Rams!
Opening Night of Bye Bye Birdie is a Huge Success!
Hats off to the cast and crew of Bye Bye Birdie for a wonderful performance and a successful opening night last night! There is still a chance to see the production tonight at 6:30pm in the auditorium - don't miss it!
Student Skills in Action
Last week, Shawsheen Metal Fab students put their skills into action to install a railing on the patio outside of the cafeteria, as pictured in the photos. This was a multi-shop project. Students in Masonry prepped the concrete and students in Auto Collision painted the rails in their new spray booth.
This week, junior Masonry students worked on a project to convert a window into a doorway at Minuteman Tech in Lexington, MA. These are just two examples (of many) of how skilled our students are, and of the incredible work they do around our school campus and even at other schools!
Shawsheen’s Eli Ober Receives Inaugural LGBTQ Leadership Award at State House
Congratulations to Shawsheen senior Eli Ober for receiving the inaugural LGBTQ Leadership Award at the State House at the end of April. Congratulations, Eli!
Quarter 4 Mid-term
Today marks the mid-term for the fourth quarter of the school year. Progress reports for all students will be published by the end of next week, and a notification will be sent to students and parents/guardians once they are available to view in the Aspen Family Portal. With only two weeks left of school for seniors and just over fives weeks left for grades 9 -11, we want to remind students of the importance of staying focused and connecting with teachers for extra help when they need it to ensure a successful conclusion to the school year.
Reminder: ALICE Drill on Monday, May 15, 2023
On Monday, May 8, information was sent (via email and text message) to all Shawhseen students and parents/guardians about the ALICE drill scheduled for Monday, May 15. Please review that communication if you have not done so already.
Mathematics MCAS Reminders & Schedule Changes - Tuesday, May 16 - Wednesday, May 17
Sophomores will take the Mathematics MCAS next Tuesday and Wednesday. Sophomores and their parents/guardians: please review the Mathematics MCAS Information communication that was sent home earlier this week to ensure you are clear on all of the details for MCAS next week. As a reminder for students in grades 9, 11, and 12: during the two days of Mathematics MCAS, freshmen will remain in shop, juniors will report to shop or co-op, and seniors will report to school for a designated study hall or to co-op.
Information Field Hockey Meeting - Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Any student who is interested in participating in Field Hockey should report to the Café for an informational meeting on Tuesday, May 16 at 2:15pm.
Jessica Cook
Quick Links:
- 2022-2023 School Calendar (revised on 12.20.22)
- 2022-2023 Important Dates
- 2022-2023 Student Handbook
- 2022-2023 Program of Studies
- 2022-2023 School Improvement Plan
- Aspen Family Portal
- Shawsheen DCAP
- Submit a Ticket to the Ed Tech Help Desk
- What to Wear and Bring to Freshman Shop Exploratory
- Friday, May 12: Q4 Midterm
- Tuesday, May 16: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
- Tuesday, May 16 - Wednesday, May 17: Mathematics MCAS
- Friday, May 19: Junior Prom
- Tuesday, May 23 - Wednesday, May 24: Sign up for All Night Grad Party during lunches
- Friday, May 26: Senior Sign Out (return school laptops & pickup caps & gowns)
- Friday, May 26: Last Day to Purchase Yearbooks
- Wednesday, May 31: Graduation Rehearsal & Senior Class Outing
- Thursday, June 1: Graduation
- Friday, June 2: Graduation Rain Date
- Friday, June 2: Half-Day - 10:43am Dismissal for Students
- Tuesday, June 6 - Wednesday, June 7: Science MCAS
- Wednesday, June 21: Half-Day - 10:43am Dismissal for Students
- Wednesday, June 21: Last Day of School