Principal's Update - October 6th 2023
Dear Shawsheen Students, Parents/Guardians, and Colleagues,
Today marks the close of the mid-term for the first quarter of the school year. Quarter one mid-term progress reports will be finalized by the end of next week and then be published to view in the Aspen Family Portal. We will notify students and families once those are available to view. Students and families are reminded that teachers are available at least two days a week to provide extra help after school. Please communicate directly with teachers to arrange times for students to stay after. Students are also welcome to stay and complete work in the library after school, which is staffed every Monday-Thursday until 5:30pm (except on early release days). Students have two options for late bus transportation to make it easier for them to stay after for extra help. Late buses are provided at 3:20pm Monday-Thursday (except on early release days), and at 5:40pm Mondays-Fridays. Students should report to the rear parking lot near the back patio prior to the posted late bus times to ensure they do not miss the bus.
Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
In mid-July, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education informed schools that the dates originally published for the Spring 2024 Grade 10 Mathematics MCAS Tests were changed to May 21 & 22 (the original dates were May 14 & 15). The School Committee approved this revision to the 2023-2024 SVTHS School Calendar at their most recent meeting. Please refer to the updated version of the school calendar, which can be viewed at the end of weekly Principal's updates, on the Principal's page of the SVTHS school website, and by using the following link: 2023-2024 SVTHS School Calendar - revised September 2023.
Class Ring Information for Sophomores - Special Offer Until Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Shawsheen families can order class rings by visiting the following link: SHAWSHEEN VALLEY TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS JEWELRY. Jostens is offering $40 off and free gifts if you order by Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
Meet & Greet Feedback Form Open Until Friday, October 13, 2023
Earlier this week we shared a link to a feedback form (included below) for the Meet & Greet we hosted on Thursday, September 28. Please take a few minutes to complete that survey if you have not done so already. We used feedback from last year to re-structure some aspects of the evening this year, and would like to use feedback on this year's event to inform any changes for next year.
Please complete the following survey if you attended the Meet & Greet at SVTHS last Thursday:
Title I Parent Meeting Presentation
You can view the presentation from the Title I Parent Meeting that Ms. Johnston hosted on Thursday, September 28 by clicking on the following link: Title I Parent Meeting Presentation - Thursday, September 28, 2023.
Grade-Level Presentations
You can view the grade-level presentations provided by the SVTHS Guidance Department during the Meet & Greet on Thursday, September 28 by clicking on the links below:
- Freshman Parent/Guardian Presentation - Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Sophomore Parent/Guardian Presentation - Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Junior Parent/Guardian Presentation - Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Senior Parent/Guardian Presentation - Thursday, September 28, 2023
PSAT & Junior Schedules - Tuesday, October 17, 2023
On the morning of Tuesday, October 17, juniors signed up for the PSAT will report to assigned testing locations where they will remain until their assigned lunch times for that day. Juniors not signed up for the PSAT will report to assigned study hall locations until their assigned lunch times for that day. Following lunch, all juniors will report to their scheduled classes for periods 6, 7, and 8.
Reminder: Grade 9 Museum of Science Field Trip - Tuesday, October 17, 2023
On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, we will be taking the entire freshman class to the Boston Museum of Science. Every student will be provided with a meal at the museum and will also be scheduled to see an OMNI show. We will depart Shawsheen at 8:00 a.m. and will return by 2:00 p.m. Chaperones will be responsible for approximately 10 students, and we will have a nurse as well as two school administrators attending the field trip. There is no cost to your student for this trip, however they are allowed to bring spending money should they want additional snacks or something from the gift store.
If your student has not turned in their permission slip, please have them turn it in to their homeroom teacher next Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
Shawsheen Tech Guidance Newsletter - September 2023
The Guidance Department sends out monthly newsletters to Shawsheen families. You can visit the SVTHS Guidance Department website to access links to the monthly newsletters. Click on the following link to view the September 2023 newsletter: Shawsheen Tech Guidance Newsletter - September 2023.
Help Spread the Word - Registration for 7th Grade Project Explore is Open
Registration for Project Explore is open and will remain open until filled. This is a free after-school program for 7th grade students residing in Bedford, Billerica, Burlington, Tewksbury, and Wilmington. You can help spread the word by sharing the following link with families in our sending communities: Youth Project Explore (Gr. 7) / Project Explore ( .
Help Spread the Word - It's Time to Apply for the Class of 2028!
We are currently accepting applications for the Class of 2028. Please help spread the word by sharing the following link with families in our sending communities: Student Admissions ( The application deadline is February 1, 2024.
Jessica Cook
Quick Links:
- 2023-2024 SVTHS School Calendar - revised September 2023
- 2023-2024 SVTHS Student Handbook
- 2023-2024 Program of Studies
- 2023-2024 SVTHS School Improvement Plan
- Aspen Family Portal
- Shawsheen DCAP
- Submit a Ticket to the Ed Tech Help Desk
- What to Wear and Bring to Freshman Shop Exploratory
- Friday, October 6: Q1 Mid-term
- Sunday, October 8: Letterman jacket orders due - Shawsheen Tech Letterman Jacket Link
- Monday, October 9: NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, October 11: Monthly staff meeting at 2:15pm
- Thursday, October 12: School Council meeting at 2:30pm in the School Committee Room
- Tuesday, October 17: Grade 9 Field Science Museum Trip
- Tuesday, October 17: PSAT
- Thursday, October 19: College & Career Fair
- Thursday, October 19: School photo re-takes - email Diane Cedorchuk
- Thursday, October 26: Fall Advisory Dinner
- Friday, October 27: Cap & gown orders due - Shawsheen Valley Technical High School BILLERICA, MA - Graduation | Jostens
- Friday, November 3: End of Quarter 1
- Tuesday, November 7: PAC Meeting at 7pm in the SVTHS Cafeteria