Principal's Update - Friday, January 31st 2025
Dear Shawsheen Students, Families, and Colleagues:
Congratulations to our students who earned High Honors and Honors for Quarter Two! Please join me in recognizing these students (listed in the documents linked below) for their exceptional work ethic and commitment to their academic and CTE programs - GO RAMS!
Quarter Two High Honors - 2024-2025 School Year
Quarter Two Honor Roll - 2024-2025 School Year
- High Honors: to be eligible for High Honors at Shawsheen Tech, a student must receive no grade lower than an “A” for every course in which they are enrolled.
- Honor Roll: to be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must receive a minimum grade of “B” for every course in which they are enrolled.
Q2 Reports Cards & Failure Letters
Q2 reports cards, exploratory report cards (with grades for cycles 1-10), and failure letters (both for Q2 and year-to-date failures) have been published and are available to view in Aspen. Hard copies of failures letters and Q3 ineligible letters have been mailed home as well. If you need assistance with Aspen, please follow the instructions below to fill out a Help Desk Ticket:
- Click the link above and then click on the green 'Submit a Ticket' button (as shown in the image below).
- Use parent email to log into the ticket system.
- LOCATION: select: _Home
- FIRST NAME: Parent first name
- LAST NAME: Parent last name
- SUBJECT: Student’s name
- DETAILS: Be as specific as possible of the issues you are encountering.
- Screenshots are helpful.
Attention Seniors! Want a Free Ticket to Senior Prom?
MPY Parenting Solutions Library Now Available in English AND Spanish
The following message is from the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY):
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce that our free Parenting Solutions Library is now available in Spanish. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace at Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed.
New Adult Education Classes at Shawsheen - Winter/Spring 2025
Check out the latest offerings from Shawsheen's Adult Education program by clicking the following link:
Reminder: Public Notification - DESE Integrated Monitoring Review of SVTHS
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of Shawsheen Valley Technical High School during the week of February 3, 2025. For additional information on the Integrated Monitoring Review, please click on the following link to view the official notification: Public Notification - DESE Integrated Monitoring Review of SVTHS.
Reminder: Shawsheen Swap - Survey to Determine Interest
The Shawsheen Tech Student Cabinet requests that you complete this brief survey to help us plan our first ever 'Shawsheen Swap.' The purpose of this event will be to provide members of our school community with affordable access to in-demand items that have been gently used and donated by other members of our school community. Items would be re-sold at a minimal cost, all proceeds would be donated back to support Shawsheen students, and any unsold items would be donated to a local charity/thrift store.
Please help students determine the feasibility of hosting a successful event for our school community this year by completing the following (very brief) survey: Shawsheen Swap Survey.
Jessica Cook
Quick Links:
- 2024-2025 SVTHS School Calendar - Updated 6.25.24
- 2024-2025 SVTHS Program of Studies
- 2024-2025 SVTHS School Improvement Plan
- 2024-2025 SVTHS Student Handbook
- Aspen Family Portal
- Shawsheen DCAP
- Submit a Ticket to the Ed Tech Help Desk
- What to Wear and Bring to Freshman Shop Exploratory
- Tuesday, February 4: SEPAC Meeting at 6pm
- Thursday, February 6: School Council Meeting at 2:15pm
- Wednesday, February 12: Early Release - Student Dismissal at 10:43am
- Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL - Building Closed - Presidents' Day
- Tuesday, February 18-Friday, February 21: NO SCHOOL - February Vacation
- Friday, February 28: Q3 Mid-Term