Welcome to Shawsheen Tech
At Shawsheen Valley Technical High School, it is our mission to provide a positive learning experience in a safe educational environment that encourages all students to reach their full potential, emphasizes the value of a strong work ethic, and prepares them for adult life in a competitive world.
Upcoming Events
7:00 PM Boys Basketball
10:00 AM Wrestling
12:20 PM Cheerleading
2:20 PM Girls Hockey
7:40 PM Boys Hockey
1:40 PM Cheerleading
5:30 PM Boys Basketball
5:30 PM Girls Basketball
5:30 PM Boys Basketball
February 12, 2025
7:30 AM Half Day
2:15 PM Monthly Staff Meeting
4:00 PM Girls Basketball
7:00 PM Boys Hockey
February 13, 2025
7:10 PM Boys Hockey
Shawsheen News
Shawsheen Valley Technical School will host an Open House on January 22nd
Shawsheen Valley Technical School invites prospective students and their families to its winter Open House on Wednesday evening January 22, 2025, from 6-8 pm. This event offers a view into the school's academic, career, and vocational-technical programs, with the added attraction of hands-on activities in each vocational program.
Principal's Update - Friday, December 20th 2024
Please join me in congratulating the 86 students in the Class of 2025 who were recently named as John and Abigail Adams Scholars, based on their exceptional performance on MCAS.
Shawsheen Valley Technical School invites prospective students and their families to its winter Open House on Wednesday evening January 22, 2025, from 6-8 pm. This event offers a view into the school's academic, career, and vocational-technical programs, with the added attraction of hands-on activities in each vocational program.
The Anti-Bullying Club will be meeting on Tuesday, October 8th after school in
Room 536. All are welcome.
Please join us for Yoga Club every Friday morning from 7:00 to 7:25 in Room 319. New members are welcome.
GSA meets Tuesday and Friday mornings from 7:00 AM until the homeroom bell. GSA also meets on Wednesday afternoons. All meetings take place in Room 106.
The Guidance Department will be hosting admission representatives from 2 and 4 year colleges as well as technical schools during the months of January and February in the library. These events are geared towards current juniors. Students must register for these sessions through their Naviance account. Colleges are being added daily and students should routinely check their Naviance account. The first visits are this week on January 9th and January 11th with the US Navy engineering program and Central Maine Community College visiting.
The Fitness Center is open after school on Monday thru Friday from 2:15 – 5:00 PM. The library and fitness center are closed on early release days.
The 66th annual Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship Award Program application period is now open. This program will award over a half million dollars in scholarships this year. All graduating seniors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who are seeking a college degree or job training are eligible to compete. Students must register for the program before December 22, 2023 and take an online exam consisting of 30 multiple choice questions and one written essay. The test will be administered at Shawsheen Valley Technical High School during the week of February 5, 2024. Students can register for the scholarship exam by visiting the AFL-CIO website at www.massaflcio.org/scholarships and submitting the form. For more information, please see your guidance counselor.
The Football Team will face Old Rochester on Friday, November 10th at 6:00pm. Go Rams!
The 14th Annual Fall Fair is on Saturday, November 18th from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
The Orientation Leaders are hosting the 4th Annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 21st from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM. This event is sponsored by both the Bruno Bros. and the Orientation Leaders.