• Shawsheen Valley Technical High School

    2024-2025 SVTHS Student Handbook and Back to School Registration

    Thursday, July 18, 2024


    Dear Shawsheen Parents/Guardians,


    On June 26, I wrote to inform you of the following:

    During the week of July 15, 2024, parents/guardians will receive instructions via email regarding how to log into Aspen and complete back-to-school registration. Through this process, parents/guardians will review & update information in Aspen, and provide electronic permissions for items outlined in the 2024-2025 SVTHS Student Handbook. As of July 15, parents/guardians and their students will be unable to log into their Aspen accounts until that process is complete. Please review the 2024-2025 SVTHS Student Handbook in advance to ensure you are ready to complete the permissions in Aspen when instructions are sent out in mid-July.


    I am writing today to provide you with the instructions to complete the back-to-school registration and electronic permissions in Aspen. You can view those instructions by clicking on the following link: Instructions for Back to School RegistrationThis process must be completed by September 3, 2024. We recommend that you complete it as soon as possible to ensure you and your student are able to access student schedules in Aspen once they are posted in late August.


    If you need additional support accessing ASPEN please follow the instructions listed below.

    • Click on the following link: https://shawsheentech.sherpadesk.com/portal/
    • Click on the green 'Submit a Ticket' button. 
    • Use parent email address to log in
    • FIRST and LAST NAMES should be the parent
    • SUBJECT add child's name
    • LOCATION select: HOME
    • Please provide all contact information requested



    Jessica Cook

