- Shawsheen Valley Technical High School
- Principal's Update - Friday, December 20, 2024
Shawsheen Valley Technical High School
Principal's Update
Friday, December 20, 2024
Dear Shawsheen Students, Families, and Colleagues:
Please join me in congratulating the 86 students in the Class of 2025 who were recently named as John and Abigail Adams Scholars, based on their exceptional performance on MCAS. The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship is a merit-based program that provides a credit toward tuition for up to eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. You can view the full list of recipients below.
Justin Abbott John Gatta Mia Morrison Ivone Airoso Nicholas Gattineri Meagan O'Leary Aiden Bain Peter Gianacopolis Daniel O'Mahony Charlotte Bartolone John Gibbons Onyx Paquin Owen Becker Mason Haines Jayden Perez Logan Bentley Autumn Halas Roy Plewa Matthew Breen Eliot Hong Alaina Powell Noah Brooks Jonathan Hureau John Pozzi Megan Browne Ryan Jamieson Lia Price Alexandra Burke Destinee Jeanty Alexandra Quick Phoebe Cameron Adriana Kepple John Ranno John Canadas Nishtha Lamsal Lorraina Raposa Gianna Caruso Melissa Lavine Tucker Robinson Madison Chew Lincoln Levesque Caden Rodgers-Cooper Tara Clark Madeline Long Samuel Sarkissian Grant Cook Kristin Macdonald Jacklyn Suttie Erin Cornell Sydney MacPherson Dylan Taylor Alyssa Costantiello Kayla Mason Preston Teixeira Haley Cournoyer Amelia Matzke Sidney Tildsley Matthew Dall Amaya Maxi Kellen Trott Ronan Dewar Ethan McDermott Aswad Vahora Makenna Diaz Kylie McLaughlin Celia Vindice Aiden Doward Robert Miaskiewicz Delaney Ward Jayson Dube Anthony Mirchev Michael Ware Trevor Engel Jared Mirisola Trent Wedge Brody Esterbrook Kaleb Molina Juliana Welch Jameson Farrell Sean Morgan Robert Welch Corrine Foley Stanley Morgan Angelina Williams Jodie Fowler Q2 Mid-Term Progress Reports
Q2 Mid-Term Progress Reports have been published and are available to view under the 'Published' section on the main page when you log into your Aspen Family Portal Account. If you are having difficulty accessing the Aspen Family Portal please read the instructions below to submit a ticket at the following link: https://shawsheentech.sherpadesk.com/portal/
• Click on the green 'Submit Ticket' button
• Enter email address
• For Location, select: _Home
• Please provide all contact informationBuilding Closure Dates Over Winter Break
Please note that during winter break, most staff will not be available, and the building will be closed completely on December 24-25 and January 1. All offices will re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2025 when we welcome students back to a week 1 schedule. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year!
Jessica Cook
Quick Links:
- 2024-2025 SVTHS School Calendar - Updated 6.25.24
- 2024-2025 SVTHS Program of Studies
- 2024-2025 SVTHS School Improvement Plan
- 2024-2025 SVTHS Student Handbook
- Aspen Family Portal
- Shawsheen DCAP
- Submit a Ticket to the Ed Tech Help Desk
- What to Wear and Bring to Freshman Shop Exploratory
- December 23 - January 1: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
- Thursday, January 2: Classes resume (week 1 schedule)
- Wednesday, January 8: Staff meeting at 2:15pm
- Thursday, January 9: Citizenship Awards - Grades 9 & 10
- Wednesday, January 15: Early dismissal at 10:43am
- Thursday, January 16: Citizenship Awards - Grades 11 & 12
- Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Wednesday, January 22: Career Night Open House - 6pm - 8pm
- Thursday, January 23: SNOW DATE - Career Night Open House - 6pm - 8pm
- Friday, January 24: Q2 grades close