• Shawsheen Valley Technical High School

    Principal's Update

    Friday, January 10, 2025


    Dear Shawsheen Students, Families, and Colleagues: 


    At last night's Citizenship Awards ceremony for grades 9 & 10, we recognized an exceptional group of Shawsheen students. Citizenship award recipients were nominated by their teachers and counselors for being positive members of our school community who embody our core values of accountability, integrity, and respect. Please join me in congratulating these students (listed below) - Go Rams!

    Name Grade   Name Grade
    Lucas Alessi 9   Ellie Matheson 10
    Akio Aurilio 10   Benjamin McCluskey Sapia 10
    Braeden Brazil 10   London Mccue 9
    Mia Buonaugurio 9   Ava Melara 9
    Nicholas Canty 9   Mackenzie Miller 10
    Trina Caso 10   Carley Monteiro 10
    James Cole 9   Jack Morin 10
    Magnus Cooper 9   Alessandra Munson 10
    Manuela Coronado Eljaiek 9   Hannah Murray 9
    Nathan DeFreitas 10   Joe Mytych 10
    Khloe Donnelly 9   Emmanuel Nogueras Ferreira 10
    Caroline Eggers 10   Sophia Oliveira 9
    Abigail Farmer 10   Vivian Osborne 9
    Mia Figueroa 10   Nariah Oscar 10
    Sofia Flores 9   Anthony  Palazzo 9
    Brian Flynn 10   Colin Peterson 10
    Gracie Gaffney 9   Kevin Pio 10
    Mckensi Galarza 10   Lana Ribeiro Kissner 10
    Sophia Gallant 10   Haley Ricker 10
    Justin Girouard 9   Shannon Robitaille 9
    Matteo Graziano 9   Raeanne Russell 10
    Chloe Huberty 10   Luke Saengvanich 10
    Logan Hutchinson 10   Paxton Saluto Weeks 10
    Cana Johnstone 10   Alexander Schulze 10
    Wylie Judge 9   Leila Sibay 10
    James Kiernan 10   Gabriella Solari 10
    Heubert Koranteng 10   Isabella Souza 10
    Robert Lee 9   Marlin Velasquez Corado 9
    Meghan Legaski 9   Katherine Yeomans 10
    Anthony Martinez 10        


    Shout out to SkillsUSA!

    Please join me in applauding the exceptional efforts of the SVTHS SkillsUSA Chapter for hosting the 2024 SkillsUSA State Chapter Holiday Party and for collecting over 300 toys for their annual participation in the Toys for Tots Drive! To learn more, click on the following link for the full press release: Shawsheen Tech Hosts 2024 SkillsUSA State Chapter Holiday Party, Bringing Joy to Local Families.


    Public Notification - DESE Integrated Monitoring Review of SVTHS

    The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of Shawsheen Valley Technical High School during the week of February 3, 2025. For additional information on the Integrated Monitoring Review, please click on the following link to view the official notification: Public Notification - DESE Integrated Monitoring Review of SVTHS.


    College & Career Information Night for Junior Students & Families

    The following message is from the SVTHS Guidance Department:

    Junior parents/guardians are invited to a presentation on Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:30-7:00pm in the Shawsheen auditorium on post-secondary options for your student. The presentation will include post-secondary options such as licensure programs, military, 2-year & 4-year colleges/universities and employment. We will also discuss the junior year college timeline, main types of admission applications, the common app., SAT test dates, Naviance, Financial Aid overview, and upcoming events. Registration is not required; however, if you could please complete the form below it will help us plan accordingly:

    RSVP for College & Career Information Night


    January 22nd Open House - Help Spread the Word to Prospective Students!

    Shawsheen Valley Technical School invites prospective students and their families to its winter Open House on Wednesday evening January 22, 2025, from 6-8 pm. This event offers a view into the school's academic, career, and vocational-technical programs, with the added attraction of hands-on activities in each vocational program. During the Open House, attendees will have the chance to meet coaches and athletic teams, explore extracurricular clubs and activities, and engage in hands-on experiences that showcase Shawsheen’s vocational-technical offerings. Additionally, representatives will be present to provide information on various programs, such as the adult and continuing education program, Shawsheen’s School of Practical Nursing, the ‘Summer at Shawsheen’ program, 7th grade Project Explore, and the aquatics and swim programs.

    For those considering enrollment, the admissions department will be available to answer questions about the application process. The application deadline for the class of 2029 is February 1st, underscoring the importance for prospective students to take advantage of this opportunity. In the event of inclement weather, the snow date for Shawsheen’s Open House will be January 23, 2025, from 6-8pm. Visit Shawsheen Tech on January 22nd to discover the educational pathways available through career and technical education, and to experience firsthand, what it means to be a Shawsheen Ram.


    Register Today - Preparing for College Success Course at SVTHS

    Click on the following link to learn more about an upcoming opportunity through Shawsheen's Adult Education program: Online Registration 



    Jessica Cook




    Quick Links:


    • Wednesday, January 15: Early student dismissal at 10:43am
    • Thursday, January 16: Citizenship Awards - Grades 11 & 12 
    • Monday, January 20: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    • Wednesday, January 22: College & Career Information Night for Junior Students & Families - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
    • Wednesday, January 22: Career Night Open House - 6pm - 8pm
    • Thursday, January 23: SNOW DATE - Career Night Open House - 6pm - 8pm
    • Friday, January 24: Q2 grades close