Nurses' Office

  • Nina Brophy, RN, BSN
    School Nurse Leader
    978-671-3625 - Phone
    978-671-3649 - Fax

    Elizabeth West, RN, BA
    School Nurse
    978-671-3625 - Phone
    978-671-3649 - Fax

    Kathy Gravlin, LPN
    School Nurse Assistant 
    978-671-3624 - Phone 
    978-671-3649 - Fax

    The following are the services we provide:

    • Care for students with chronic medical diagnoses
    • Routine & emergency first aid treatment
    • Infection prevention
    • Infectious disease reporting
    • Health education
    • Mandated screenings
    • Medication administration

    Important Information:

    Your student must have a physical completed within one year prior to entrance to school. An up-to-date immunization record is also required. Your student’s doctor may complete the forms below or use their own. The Nurses’ Office requires the Annual Student Health Information form to be filled out before the start of each school year. This allows the Nurses' Office to be aware of any changes that may have taken place in order to best care for your student. This form also includes permission to exchange information with your student’s healthcare provider & permission for your student to receive medications in the Nurses’ Office if necessary. Access form below.

    Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, all students entering grade 11 are required to have a meningococcal conjugate vaccine, MenACWY (brand names Menveo or Menactra) for school entry. One booster dose must be received on or after 16 years of age. Please send documentation of this administration to the Nurses Office.

    Medical exemptions (statement from a physician stating that a vaccine is medically contraindicated for a student) and religious exemptions (statement from a student, or parent/guardian if the student is <18 years of age, stating that a vaccine is against sincerely held religious beliefs) must be submitted annually at the start of the school year. If applicable, please send documentation to Nina Brophy, School Nurse Leader.


    If your student exhibits any COVID-19 like symptoms, please keep them home, contact student’s medical provider and notify the school nurse. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Center for Disease ControlMassachusetts Department of Public Health, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or call one of the school nurses. 

    We continue to encourage all students who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to submit proof of vaccination to the School Nurses' office. Proof of vaccination can be e-mailed to

    Medication Administration:

    If your student needs prescription medication administered during the school day, please make sure to fill out the Parent Authorization & MD Order form that can be found below. Medications taken at the nurses’ office during the school day need to be in the original prescription bottle and dropped off by a parent/guardian.

    If your student requires an over the counter medication to be given at school (ibuprofen, Tums, Clariton, ect.) a parent authorization form must be filled out. The medication must be supplied by a parent in the original bottle. 

    If your student needs an EpiPen or inhaler, please provide a Parent Authorization & MD order form. EpiPens and inhalers can be stored in the nurses’ office. Your student may carry the EpiPen or inhaler with his/her doctor’s & parent/guardian’s written permission. Permission to carry these medications will also be evaluated by the school nurse.

    Medical Accommodations:

    If your student requires medical accommodations at any time during the school year, please contact the school nurses’ office. These include, but are not limited to, injuries, chronic illness and surgeries. Proper documentation is required from student’s care provider. Your doctor may fill out this form. Documentation can be provided to the nurses’ office and appropriate staff will be notified as needed.

    Important Forms:

    Medication Parent Authorization/MD Order Form

    Annual Student Health Information Form

    Authorization to Release/Obtain Healthcare Information

    Medical Accommodation Form

    School Health Records

    Certificate of Immunization

    Forms may be mailed to the school with ATTN: School Nurse, dropped off by your student, faxed, or scanned and emailed. Please be sure to send in/submit these forms as soon as possible, as it is important that we know as much information about your student from the start. If conditions or medications change throughout the school year, please be sure to update the Shawsheen school nurses’ office.

    The email is used for form submission. If you wish to email the office directly, please email any time. 

    Resource Links:

    DESE Covid-19 Guidance 

    The Flu, A Guide for Parents

    Immunization requirements for school entry

    New Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine requirement for school entry