Dedicated to excellence in education
What: Student fan bus to Gillette Stadium for the MIAA Super Bowl game
When: Friday, December 6th. 3:00pm departure from the Shawsheen cafeteria. The bus will return to Shawsheen immediately after the game.
Who: Shawsheen students only (first come, first serve)
How: Sign up in the School Store during student lunches starting Tuesday. Students must show proof of game ticket purchase to sign up for the bus.
Bus Cost: FREE
Game tickets $20: Click here to purchase tickets
Expectations: By signing up for the fan bus you agree to: Follow all school rules on the bus and at the stadium.
No drugs or alcohol on the bus or at the stadium. Following all sportsmanship guidelines
No bags. Being positive and cooperative!
**Students in violation of rules will be subject to school discipline**
Go Rams!